Install MacOS theme Mac4Lin in Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic)

Mac4Lin brings the Mac OS X user interface to POSIX Operating Systems (GNU/LInux, FreeBSD, openSolaris etc.). The project is built for desktop environments based on GTK.
This tutorial shows how to install this Mac theme in ubuntu karmic and do some easy configurations.
Download and install Mac4Lin
First,let’s download the source package from:

I download the version1.0,and my firefox store the download files in ~/Downloads.

So open up the command line console from Applications->Accessories->Terminal,type following to navigate to the folder:

cd ~/Downloads

and then uncompress and install it:

cd Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0/

it will ask you some questions for yes/not to install something,read the question and make your choice.
Note:There if you type yes for this question:”Do you want to enable Metacity Compositor? If you are unsure about this or use Compiz, type ‘n’ [y/n]?”.You will unable to enable compiz 3D effects again if you close them.You need to run this command:


navigate to /apps/metacity/general,uncheck “compositing_manager” in right box.Log out and back in,then you can enable compiz 3D effects again.

Configure Ubuntu desktop

1.There are two Mac OS X wallpapers in “Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0/Wallpapers” folder.Right click on desktop and select “Change Desktop Background”,in Background tab click Add… and navigate to choose this two wallpapers.
2.If you are operating on 64-bit ubuntu,you need to manually install the AWN theme.In following AWN Manager window,click add and select Downloads/Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0/AWN/Mac4Lin_AWN_v1.0.tgz.

3.Delete gnome default panels.I have installed AWN and make it auto-run at login,default gnome panels are useless.Run this command:


navigate to

/desktop/gnome/session, double click “required_component_list” in right box and delete “panel”.

4.Min/Max/Close buttons are default in left of windows’ title bar.If you would like to move them to right,run this command again:


navigate to app->Metacity->general,double click “button_layout”in right box and change its value to “menu:minimize,maximize,close” (without quotes).

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